Madison & Ethan...

snoozing after swimming...

love the popcorn at the pool!!!

Aliana & Ethan...

mommy & the boys...

We LOVE Wirth Park!!! I think we are gonna get a season pass next summer!!! The only bad thing today was that there were "floaters" in the pool!!! Actually, I think they were sinkers because the lifeguard had to get them with a net!!! The pool was evacuated and cleaned and chemicals poured in - it was closed for a while until it was "safe" to go in again!!! We were not in the pool at the time of the "accident" - thank goodness!!! But, whatever - it is a kiddie pool, so we call it the pee-pool... It is a lot of fun though - Caleb likes it also... We are going back next week, so anyone who wants to go is more than welcome to come!!! The more the merrier!!!
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