Wednesday, October 28, 2009

3/4ths of a year old!!!

Caleb is 9 months old today!!! He went for his check up this morning and got a few shots... not too happy with those, but otherwise he is doing great!!! Ethan came also and got his flu shot... he didn't even cry!!! I really don't think that the nurses measure the length properly because Caleb was the same length at his 6 month check up... whatever... and I re-weighed him when she left the room and he weighed more than when she weighed him... whatever... I also had Ethan step on the scale and he weighs 33 lbs!!!

9 month stats:
weight: 20 lbs. 0.5 oz. - 40th percentile
length: 28 1/2 inches - 60th percentile

Sunday, October 25, 2009


the turtle and the lion...
Ethan and Charlie...
so tired...
aren't i the cutest lion EVER?!?

today we went trick-or-treating in Oak Creek with Auntie Stacy, the Kasper family and some other friends... it was a lot of fun... Ethan only lasted 1 hour... he was so hot, sweaty, and tired he could barely walk... Caleb fell asleep on the ride... We had a lot of fun!!! and the weather was BEAUTIFUL!!! it is usually cold during trick-or-treat, so I searched around for turtle necks for the boys to wear under their costumes thinking it would be cold... what a waste of time!!! oh well!!! I'm sure this next weekend will be freezing...

Friday, October 23, 2009

pumpkin decorating...

putting pieces in pumpkin like a Mr. Potato Head...
gutting the pumpkin...
painting a pumpkin...
Scott and Danielle's pumpkin creations...

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Monday, October 19, 2009

pumpkin farm

feeding the goats...
riding the train...
happy boy...

On Saturday we went to the pumpkin farm with gma and gpa, Lauren, and auntie Stacy... we had a ton of fun!!! Ethan fell in the mud going through the corn maze and looked so cute with half of his face muddy... we went on a hay ride too!!! we love the pumpkin farm!!!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Claire and Auntie Sheena came over today to hang out while Auntie Stacy watched the boys this morning... looks like they had a lot of fun!!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

first time...

where did he learn how to read a book on the toilet?!?

Ethan went pee-pee on his potty chair for the 1st time last week!!! Of course it was when grandma and grandpa Raap were here watching the boys for me... he hasn't done it for me yet... hopefully soon we will only have 1 kid in diapers!!!

Friday, October 9, 2009

lunch date...

in a big boy chair at the olive garden!!!

we went to the olive garden today with all the girls in the family - Auntie Stacy, Auntie Sheena, Claire, and Auntie Jamie... the boys were very well behaved - thank goodness... once again, the service was less than desirable, but it always is when we go there... we had a great time together and look forward to getting together again soon...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

it is time... move Kait's food and water bowls up onto the counter when Caleb is cruising around... he was splashing in the water this morning!!! time to move his mattress to the lowest position because he likes to stand and look over the edge... oh my - my little guy is getting so big!!! he already has 4 bottom teeth and is not teething and getting 2 top ones - they look like fangs!!!

Friday, October 2, 2009


Badgers vs. Gophers... who will win???

We Love Fall!!!

big brother - little brother...
"look! i'm standing!"
The boys are getting ready for Halloween and they love their new jammies!!! They glow in the dark!!! Ethan's are really cute - the skeleton... now i gotta find them Halloween costumes!!!