Wednesday, February 24, 2010

visit with GG...

Caleb playing with an action figure...

"who me?" i didn't do it!

GG and the boys...
Today we went for a visit with Great Grandma Sprotte (GG)... Stacy and Liam came too... Stacy made lunch for us - yum!!! We had a nice time!!! Thanks Stacy!!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Thursday, February 4, 2010

1 year old photos...

We went to J.C. Penney for Caleb's 1 year old photos... we were going to Target, but had one too many bad experiences there... I really liked our photographer this time... Thank goodness no more professional pictures until the summer!!! I will have our private photographer do family photos at a park again... Can NOT wait until it is warm and we can do that again!!!