The 3 of us...
Well, our experience at the Brewer game last night was not very pleasant... we went with the W's minus Olivia and Caleb... I thought it would be a lot of fun going with the two older children, but it was not so much fun... Ethan always wanted to walk, but he would not hold our hand, so we wouldn't let him walk/run by himself because the place was PACKED!!! The few minutes we spent in our seats was nice... Ethan wanted his own seat and would yell "Go Brewers!" He clapped and looked around at the people by us to see if they were laughing at him!!! What a ham!!! Ethan and Jillian loved the play area and Ethan also loved running down the ramps... Scary for me thinking of him losing control and falling and busting out his teeth... Oh well... Next time we leave all the kids with sitters and go alone... It was quite the experience... Oh... and Caleb was with G-ma and G-pa Schutten and cried for 1 hour and wore himself out until he finally fell asleep... That is not like him - he must have missed him mommy so much!!!
Poor G-ma and G-pa!!! They will never want to watch him again!!!
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