future dentist?!?
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
bay view bash and pump it up...
granny, great grandma, and Caleb ready to watch fashion show...
Saturday we went to the Bay View Bash and watched the fashion show that auntie Stacy runs every year... it was a wonderful fashion show!!! and on Sunday, the boys, myself, auntie Stacy and auntie Mary went to Noeli's 3rd birthday party at pump it up, in Waukesha... she is cousin Noe's daughter... Ethan had a blast!!! well, actually, we all did!!!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
busy day...
grandma Raap came over this morning and we went to the park and the farmers market... i am tired... i don't know why though... i have been getting more sleep this week than i have had in FOREVER!!! Oh... and guess what??? I found my lost camera while at the farmer's market!!! it was hiding in the folded up canopy of the stroller... oh well!!! now i have 2...
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
just waking up...
after 11 hours of sleep!!! wow!!! that is the longest he EVER slept!!! I didn't hear a peep out of him last night!!! i'm sure this won't last though...
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
we are back!!!
Caleb not too impressed with the wrestling...
I lost my camera a few weeks ago - bummer - but now have a new and improved camera, a Sony Cyber-shot... I love it!!! It takes HD video too!!! I was thinking about getting a really big and fancy one, but it really isn't too practical for me... It is not a camera I can just throw in my purse and go... on the other hand, maybe I wouldn't lose it is it was humongous!!! Anyways, now I can take pictures of my little sweethearts again!!! Caleb has 4 bottom teeth and is now sitting up by himself well - well enough that he took his 1st bath last night without his bath chair... He is also getting around very well, crawling mostly army style-the low crawl-pulling himself with his arms... It is time for the gates to come back out by the stairs... Ugh... And what is it with these boys and remote controls!?!? You put the remote on the floor and Caleb speed-crawls to get it!!! It is so funny!!! Ethan is just talking so well these days-saying the funniest things... He also thinks Caleb is big enough now to tackle... maybe it is because he is watching football so much with daddy... they sure are keeping me busy!!! Oh... I got the estimate on the damage to my van yesterday... over $1,700.00!!! Yikes!!!
Friday, September 11, 2009
when a good day goes to bad...
Today started out to be a great day... we went shopping and to lunch with Auntie Stacy and Auntie Mary... then while finishing up our shopping, we got hit by a huge dump truck in front of Sams/Walmart... the boys and I are fine, but the van is not... UGH!!! This is how a good day goes bad...
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
tears for our family...
Thursday, September 3, 2009
baby sommerville...
stacy and nick's ultrasound went well today... the baby is measuring fine and is healthy... they moved up her due date to January 23rd... they did not find out the sex... i thought that maybe they would change their mind when it came time to check, but they didn't!!! ugh... oh well!!! we already have a pretty good idea that it is a boy from the test stacy took early on in her pregnancy... it is a new urine test that is a gender predictor test - supposed to be 85% accurate... we will see in January!!!
exciting day!!!
today is Stacy and Nick's ultrasound!!! they are not finding out what they are having, which is very disappointing to me... hopefully they (Nick) changes their mind... I hope and pray that baby is just healthy - I'm sure he/she is...
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
up north weekend...
making smores in the afternoon!!!
We were up north this past weekend from Thursday until Sunday with the Weed family... It was a lot of fun, but the weather most of the time was not fun... it is fall!!! For the most part it was really cool out - Friday was nice and sunny, but Saturday it rained on and off... The kids did not care though!!! They were playing in the sand at 7:45am and 54 degrees out!!! It is crazy to think that just a few years ago we were up there doing whatever we wanted, whenever we wanted... Now with 4 kids between us, we go by nap time and feeding schedules!!! Kids definitely change your lives, but for the better I think!!! Kids also say the craziest, funniest things!!! Listening to Jillian and Ethan is so funny!!! Scott told me that Jillian told Ethan that if he goes poopy on the toilet his mom will take him to the water park!!! Funny!!! We had a great time and can't wait to go again!!!
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